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Configuring the OfficePower POP3 Server
This item was originally published on the OfficePower web site on
26th March 1999


Configuring the OfficePower POP3 Server

OfficePower users can use any POP3 PC mail client, such as Microsoft Outlook or Netscape Messenger, to access mail items arriving at their OfficePower mailbox.

POP3 Diagram

The diagram shows the flow taken by messages arriving at the OfficePower users' mailbox. A mail filter, POPSTORE, converts the messages from OfficePower to Internet format and stores them in the users pop mailbox.

Users can then download the messages using their PC mail client software. New messages and replies sent from the PC mail client are passed directly to the OfficePower server running the Internet Mail Gateway and sent to the Internet or converted to X.400 messages as required.

Note: To use a POP3 client with your OP mailbox requires the OfficePower server to be upgraded to OP/Xtra V4.

Installation and server configuration requires these steps:

  1. Update the servers inetd control file.
  2. Register the network internet domain name.
  3. Install the POPSTORE mail filter action.
  4. Register each OfficePower user who is allowed to use POP3.
  5. Ensure that the Internet Mail Gateway is available on one server in your network.

The steps required by each user are:

  1. Configuration of the Incoming/Outgoing server names and the users Internet Address into the PC mail client.
  2. Creation of a new OfficePower Mail Filter to store incoming mail into the POP3 mailbox.

Updating the servers inet control file

To install the POP3 server program, follow these steps (as root):

  • Edit the file /etc/inetd.conf and add this line to the end of the file ($hp should be replaced by OfficePower home directory, e.g. /op/op):

    pop-3 stream tcp nowait root $hp/programs/inetgw/op-popper op-popper

    Note: On UnixWare systems a pop-3 service may already exist on port 110 (possibly named pop-3). This should be disabled (by prefixing the line in /etc/inetd.conf with a #).

  • Edit the file /etc/services and check that only one pop-3 service is defined for port 110. There should be a line containing:

    pop-3 110/tcp # Post Office Protocol - Version 3

  • Restart the inetd daemon by determining its process number and sending a hangup signal:

    ps -ef | grep inetd
    kill -HUP pid

    where pid is the process number of inetd determinted by the ps command.

Register the network internet domain name

The domain name for the organisations internet address is added using the Mail Administration:Register Domain (m-adm:rgstdom) function. The domain name entered is the value used as the RFC-822Address parameter in the Internet Mail Gateway file, /etc/opt/x400umg/umg.ini.

Install the POPSTORE mail filter action

To install the POPSTORE mail filter action:
  1. Login to OfficePower as user public.
  2. Select Data:View.
  3. View the datafile public/mail/actiondfl using the form public/stkforms/English/ml_action.
  4. Select the action POPSTORE and press COPY* to copy it to the datafile public/mail/action.

Register each OfficePower user who is allowed to use POP3

Each user who wishes to filter incoming OfficePower mail into a POP3 mailbox must be registered by the System Administrator. This is done via a new softkey in the OfficePower users file (on second level softkeys).

The user can then define a mail filter (using the new POPSTORE public action) to store mail into their POP3 mailbox. By using filters, users have total contol over which mail items are made available for download to their PC.

Use of the OfficePower Internet Mail Gateway

When POP3 mail clients send outgoing mail, this is passed directly to the UNIX sendmail process on the OfficePower system in your network running the Internet Mail Gateway. The domain name used on this system, and that confiugured via the Register Domain function should ensure that mail for the domain is passed to the Internet Gateway by the sendmail process.

Configuring a POP3 mail client

When configuring a POP3 mail client, the Incoming mail server should be the name of the OfficePower server holding the users OfficePower POP3 mailbox.

The Outgoing mail server should be the OfficePower server running the Internet Mail Gateway. However, if a full UNIX mail service is available on all OfficePower servers then the Outgoing mail server could be the users normal OfficePower server.

The users Internet mail address will be determined by the Administrator depending on whether the Internet Address Alias feature of the OfficePower Directory is being used or whether the Gateway default alias scheme is in use.

Further details are contained in the manual OfficePower Mail and Communications Administrator's Guide.

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