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OfficePower Documentation
This item was originally published on the OfficePower web site on
28th June 2000


OfficePower Documentation on CD-ROM

All OfficePower manuals, including the Installation Guides, are issued on CD-ROM, with the software. The documentation is supplied in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format - except for manuals relating to OfficePower Web, which are supplied in HTML format.

To read the PDF manuals, you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader (V3 or later) installed on your PC. If you do not have Acrobat Reader already, you can download it from Adobe's web site.

To read the HTML manuals, you need a web browser installed - like the one you're using to read this page.

The OfficePower CD-ROM is designed to be used both on UNIX servers (for installation of the OfficePower server software) and on PCs (to read the documentation and for installation of OfficePower for Windows). Your first act on receiving the OfficePower 2000 CD should be to insert it into a suitable PC (running Windows 3.11, 95, 98 or NT4) and read the Installation Guides.

On a Windows 95, 98 or NT4 system, a menu-driven CD browser should run automatically when the CD is loaded - otherwise use the RUN command on the START menu to run the program op2000cd.exe in the root directory of the CD. On Windows 3.11, use the RUN command on Program Manager's FILE menu to run op2000cd.exe.

In the Introduction page of the CD browser, click on the entry OfficePower 2000 Installation Guide to read this guide. Also click the entry Read Me First to read any "last minute" information.

To read the OfficePower for Windows Installation Guide, click on OfficePower for Windows in the left hand menu, then on OfficePower for Windows Installation Guide in the right hand pane.

To install OfficePower for Windows, click on OfficePower for Windows in the left hand menu, then on Install OfficePower for Windows in the right hand pane.

Additional notes for OfficePower/Xtra users

On OfficePower/Xtra CDs, a different CD browser named xtra.exe was used.

In the "xtra" CD browser, click on the Documentation icon in the left hand pane, and then on Administrator Documentation - now, in the right hand pane, click on the "glasses" icon next to OfficePower/Xtra Vn Installation Guide.

To read the OfficePower for Windows Installation Guide, click on OfficePower for Windows software in the left hand pane, then on Installation Guide.

On some PCs, the "xtra" menu program may fail to run, reporting a missing "DLL" file. In this case, you can still run Acrobat Reader directly and read the manuals. Start the copy of Acrobat Reader installed on your PC (or use the RUN command on the FILE menu of Program Manager to run the program \document\acroread\acroread.exe on the CD). Then, using the OPEN command on the File Menu of Acrobat Reader, open the document \document\english\acrobook\opxig.pdf to read the OP/Xtra Installation Guide. The other OfficePower manuals (including the OfficePower for Windows Installation Guide - opwig.pdf) will be found in this same directory.

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